关于人类是否有自由的辩论是几个世纪以来的争夺。虽然有良好的论据,基于我们目前对大自然法律的理解,虽然人类不可能自由的意志,但大多数人都相信他们。这种差异乞求解释。如果我们接受我们没有自由的意志,我们面临着两个问题:(1)虽然自由是一个非常常用的概念,每个人都直觉理解,我们实际提到的是,当我们说行动或选择时,我们实际上是什么?免费“或不是?而且,(2)为什么自由的信念会如此共同?这种信念来自哪里,它的目的是什么?在本文中,我们从加强学习(RL)的角度来看这些问题。 RL是最初为培训人工智能代理制定的框架。然而,它也可以用作人为决策和学习的计算模型,并通过这样做,我们建议通过观察人们的常识理解自由来回回答第一问题与信息熵密切相关RL代理的归一化行动值,而第二个可以通过代理人来制定本身的必要性,就像他们在处理时间信用分配问题时所做的那样做出决定。简而言之,我们建议通过将RL框架应用为人类学习的模型,这变得明显,为了让我们有效地学习并聪明,我们需要将自己视为自由意志。
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There are multiple scales of abstraction from which we can describe the same image, depending on whether we are focusing on fine-grained details or a more global attribute of the image. In brain mapping, learning to automatically parse images to build representations of both small-scale features (e.g., the presence of cells or blood vessels) and global properties of an image (e.g., which brain region the image comes from) is a crucial and open challenge. However, most existing datasets and benchmarks for neuroanatomy consider only a single downstream task at a time. To bridge this gap, we introduce a new dataset, annotations, and multiple downstream tasks that provide diverse ways to readout information about brain structure and architecture from the same image. Our multi-task neuroimaging benchmark (MTNeuro) is built on volumetric, micrometer-resolution X-ray microtomography images spanning a large thalamocortical section of mouse brain, encompassing multiple cortical and subcortical regions. We generated a number of different prediction challenges and evaluated several supervised and self-supervised models for brain-region prediction and pixel-level semantic segmentation of microstructures. Our experiments not only highlight the rich heterogeneity of this dataset, but also provide insights into how self-supervised approaches can be used to learn representations that capture multiple attributes of a single image and perform well on a variety of downstream tasks. Datasets, code, and pre-trained baseline models are provided at: https://mtneuro.github.io/ .
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Industry 4.0 aims to optimize the manufacturing environment by leveraging new technological advances, such as new sensing capabilities and artificial intelligence. The DRAEM technique has shown state-of-the-art performance for unsupervised classification. The ability to create anomaly maps highlighting areas where defects probably lie can be leveraged to provide cues to supervised classification models and enhance their performance. Our research shows that the best performance is achieved when training a defect detection model by providing an image and the corresponding anomaly map as input. Furthermore, such a setting provides consistent performance when framing the defect detection as a binary or multiclass classification problem and is not affected by class balancing policies. We performed the experiments on three datasets with real-world data provided by Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV.
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Quality control is a crucial activity performed by manufacturing companies to ensure their products conform to the requirements and specifications. The introduction of artificial intelligence models enables to automate the visual quality inspection, speeding up the inspection process and ensuring all products are evaluated under the same criteria. In this research, we compare supervised and unsupervised defect detection techniques and explore data augmentation techniques to mitigate the data imbalance in the context of automated visual inspection. Furthermore, we use Generative Adversarial Networks for data augmentation to enhance the classifiers' discriminative performance. Our results show that state-of-the-art unsupervised defect detection does not match the performance of supervised models but can be used to reduce the labeling workload by more than 50%. Furthermore, the best classification performance was achieved considering GAN-based data generation with AUC ROC scores equal to or higher than 0,9898, even when increasing the dataset imbalance by leaving only 25\% of the images denoting defective products. We performed the research with real-world data provided by Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV.
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在不失去先前学习的情况下学习新任务和技能(即灾难性遗忘)是人为和生物神经网络的计算挑战,但是人工系统努力与其生物学类似物达成平等。哺乳动物的大脑采用众多神经手术来支持睡眠期间的持续学习。这些是人工适应的成熟。在这里,我们研究了建模哺乳动物睡眠的三个不同组成部分如何影响人工神经网络中的持续学习:(1)在非比型眼运动(NREM)睡眠期间观察到的垂直记忆重播过程; (2)链接到REM睡眠的生成记忆重播过程; (3)已提出的突触降压过程,以调整信噪比和支持神经保养。在评估持续学习CIFAR-100图像分类基准上的性能时,我们发现将所有三个睡眠组件的包含在内。在以后的任务期间,训练和灾难性遗忘在训练过程中提高了最高准确性。尽管某些灾难性遗忘在网络培训过程中持续存在,但更高水平的突触缩减水平会导致更好地保留早期任务,并进一步促进随后培训期间早期任务准确性的恢复。一个关键的要点是,在考虑使用突触缩小范围的水平时,手头有一个权衡 - 更具侵略性的缩减更好地保护早期任务,但较少的缩减可以增强学习新任务的能力。中级水平可以在训练过程中与最高的总体精度达到平衡。总体而言,我们的结果都提供了有关如何适应睡眠组件以增强人工连续学习系统的洞察力,并突出了未来神经科学睡眠研究的领域,以进一步进一步进行此类系统。
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由于一系列理想的模型属性,卷积神经网络(CNN)的使用在深度学习中被广泛扩展,这导致了有效有效的机器学习框架。但是,必须将CNN架构定制为特定任务,以结合输入长度,分辨率和尺寸的考虑因素。在这项工作中,我们通过连续的卷积神经网络(CCNN)克服了针对特定问题的CNN体​​系结构的需求:一个配备了连续卷积内核的单个CNN体系结构,可用于根据任意分辨率,维度,长度和长度的数据进行任务,而无需结构性长度变化。连续的卷积内核在每一层的远距离依赖性模型,并消除当前CNN体系结构中所需的降采样层和任务依赖性深度的需求。我们通过将相同的CCNN应用于顺序(1 $ \ mathrm {d} $)和视觉数据(2 $ \ mathrm {d} $)上的一系列任务来显示我们方法的普遍性。我们的CCNN竞争性能,并且在所有考虑的所有任务中通常都优于当前最新的。
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自动生物医学图像分析的领域至关重要地取决于算法验证的可靠和有意义的性能指标。但是,当前的度量使用通常是不明智的,并且不能反映基本的域名。在这里,我们提出了一个全面的框架,该框架指导研究人员以问题意识的方式选择绩效指标。具体而言,我们专注于生物医学图像分析问题,这些问题可以解释为图像,对象或像素级别的分类任务。该框架首先编译域兴趣 - 目标结构 - ,数据集和算法与输出问题相关的属性的属性与问题指纹相关,同时还将其映射到适当的问题类别,即图像级分类,语义分段,实例,实例细分或对象检测。然后,它指导用户选择和应用一组适当的验证指标的过程,同时使他们意识到与个人选择相关的潜在陷阱。在本文中,我们描述了指标重新加载推荐框架的当前状态,目的是从图像分析社区获得建设性的反馈。当前版本是在由60多个图像分析专家的国际联盟中开发的,将在社区驱动的优化之后公开作为用户友好的工具包提供。
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